BASS XXVII Tutorials and Keynote Address presentations:

Keynote AddressMichael O'Connell Modelling the COVID-19 Pandemic
W-2Qing Liu and Karl Peace Statistical Considerations for Clinical Trials During the COVID-19 Pandemic
W-3Yongming Qu and Ilya Lipkovich Estimands and Estimation for Clinical Trials Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic
W-4Yue Shentu Statistical Issues and Recommendations for Clinical Trials Conducted During the COVID-19 Pandemic
W-5Mat Makowski A Clinical Trial in Response to a Pandemic
T-1Inna Perevozskaya and Magdalena Zwierzyna Predicting the COVID-19 Pandemic Impact on Clinical Trial Recruitment
T-2Daniel Janies and Samuel Handelman Genomics Enabled Repurposing of Approved Compounds as Countermeasures to SARS-CoV-2
T-3Mark Levenson and Daniel Rubin Statistical Issues in Regulatory Guidances on COVID-19 Clinical Trials and Clinical Trials Impacted by COVID-19
T-4Pranab Ghosh Sample Size Re-estimation for COVID-19 Trials and Analyses Techniques for Unique Endpoints